Author: Anupam Srivastava



Just updated fvwm_patches project on GitHub, so all the patches apply on latest FVWM CVS snapshot. This has sent me back to those times when I was amply free and was full...

Sorting for humans 0

Sorting for humans

If you are anything like me, you have at least once in your life tried to sort all the cards in a deck. Which sorting algorithm did you use? Well, humans generally...

Education 0


I have been thinking about this a lot lately. The idea started with this – Human procreate, (other) animals do too. Humans have a penchant for tribes, animals do too. Moral this...

Funny stuff 0

Funny stuff

I am told I write good. Well, I WAS… so now that is in the past. Phew! I used to think I was good at drawing, but I tried my hands on...

Drug 0


I had the weirdest dream. I am taking drugs with random people I hardly know. Well, it was weed. I was talking to strangers whom I am barely got to know and...

The Economist: Fading lights in Mumbai 0

The Economist: Fading lights in Mumbai

Commented on I still remember how these used to be the center of attraction – local city-centers where all would galvanize over weekends to refresh their moods and relationships. The speed...

Cult of Puzzles 0

Cult of Puzzles

I don’t like puzzles. I don’t like the smugness of puzzle solvers. I have yet to find a puzzle which tests anything beside knowledge of obscure fact, or extremely generic assumptions which...

Again (poem with bad english) 0

Again (poem with bad english)

I felt it I have (felt) that feeling again The strangeness of emptiness inside me Has started sucking me in back again This dark gaping hole that I feel The void of...


From Wikipedia: Agile Manifesto reads, in its entirety, as follows:[1] We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come...

Potluck 0


They just couldn’t get enough of it They buy the spices and call the planter They make these jokes on most inane things And then they just cannot help the laughter When...

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