Author: Anupam Srivastava
Sorting for humans
If you are anything like me, you have at least once in your life tried to sort all the cards in a deck. Which sorting algorithm did you use? Well, humans generally...
Funny stuff
I am told I write good. Well, I WAS… so now that is in the past. Phew! I used to think I was good at drawing, but I tried my hands on...
The Economist: Fading lights in Mumbai
Commented on I still remember how these used to be the center of attraction – local city-centers where all would galvanize over weekends to refresh their moods and relationships. The speed...
Cult of Puzzles
I don’t like puzzles. I don’t like the smugness of puzzle solvers. I have yet to find a puzzle which tests anything beside knowledge of obscure fact, or extremely generic assumptions which...
Again (poem with bad english)
I felt it I have (felt) that feeling again The strangeness of emptiness inside me Has started sucking me in back again This dark gaping hole that I feel The void of...