Author: Anupam Srivastava

Frescobaldi MIDI Settings 0

Frescobaldi on Arch

Getting Frescobaldi and lilypond to work on arch is straightforward but badly documented. Unfortunately, the wiki is also locked for me, so I am creating this page. Hopefully, it will help you...


Another one bites the dust…

The title is unrelated to the topic, since I don’t have a topic to discuss. The amount of anti-India rhetoric that has been given space in western media has been staggering, and...


Brain Dump

The disagreement between different religions in India is not clear pre-independence. It is clear how much of the opposition was between ruling class and the ruled class but I am not sure...

Terrorists Counter Terrorists 0

Israel Hamas Israel Hamas

What we see is a humanitarian crisis. I have grown old enough now to not care, really. Life’s tough. I am at the same time fully aware of what is required to...

Seafile on FreeBSD 0

Seafile 9.x on FreeBSD with MariaDB behind Nginx reverse proxy and storage on separate disk

I will keep this short and simple: Install MariaDB (client and server)

Install seafile and seahub – you CANNOT do it via pkg because it depends on MySQL, which will conflict...

Multiple scales 0

Scalability for Dummies – All Parts

Hello Everyone, This is a mirror of the scalability series from onwards. There were 4 parts and they have been accessed from Internet Archive and presented below as is. Table of...