Author: Anupam Srivastava

Memento Design Pattern 0

Memento Pattern

This PDF was submitted to BITS PILANI Work Integrated Learning Program 2019 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (S2_18_SSZG514) for the final assignment.

Money 0

Money and power

I have not seen this discussed, yet. I had this idea that has given me a lot of perspective in life and has helped to understand why and how our system. Our system...

Overview of C++Traits idiom 0

C++ Traits

‘C++ Traits’ is an idiom that allows a great level of abstraction at compile time which is normally possible only by a combination of inheritance and composition. It allows an algorithm to...


Major bugs and workarounds

Imagine you have been given the job of installing AC vent ducts in a house. Great. So you begin your work, starting from the basement for some reason. And there in the...