False dichotomy of generation degradation

A lot of people say, 2nd generation of feminists had genuine concerns, 3rd generation of feminists are all about victimhood. Make no mistake – it is because your mother was a feminist but you wouldn’t dare believe she would agree to the current feminism.
Not only this difference between 2nd and 3rd generation of feminism not real, the only reason we think there is a difference is because of political success of 2nd gen in blanketing all opposition under “misogyny” and “wants to put women back into the kitchen” or some other similar ad-hominem.
Furthermore, the constant propaganda convinces us that feminism is an ideological movement and not a purely political one. “Do you believe in equality? Then you are a feminist and you are so stupid you don’t even know that.” Of course, the reality isn’t what propaganda tells us. Feminism has, and it is so implied from its name too, a political movement which wants to put women in more position of power. It doesn’t care who foots the bill as long as it is not women. It functions by always portraying the dominant workforce as an enemy and oppressor while hiding behind the ever-understood weakness of women, no matter how contrary it is to data. The oppressor is cis-white-het-male in Europe, it is Islam in the middle east, it is Hindu in India, it is Buddhists in Buddhism. One more generation and you will find the 4th generation talking about how great 3rd generation of feminists were, fighting the devil incarnate aka Trump, while 4th generation of feminists only want to have more power in already equal society. Why? Because in this equality debate, there is no voice of the oppressor. Well, maybe the election of Trump stops this nonsense, but I am not holding my breath.
The system/culture/civilization has always given protecting and providing women and children paramount importance. Historically, manhood (i.e. how men define their sexual identity) was defined by the ability to follow the system (i.e. honor). The higher you are on the social hierarchy, the easier it is for you to force others to make sacrifices for what you hold dear. Hence by design, the system attracted more men, while women were taken out of the equation to make the job easier. But now in the modern age, when opulence is the way-of-life and government and machinery takes care of most basic needs, licking pussy has become the new standard of manhood. It is only very recently to see lack of sex as an insult. The logical outcome is corruption to become institutionalized. Make no mistake, feminism in its true form is nothing more than corruption.
The way this changing dynamic is reflected in STEM is even more interesting. While the geeks/nerds were the first men to suffer the ill effects – they were the ones being ostracized for ‘not being cool’ by the girls and their jocks – but because they ended up making a lot of money and hence made the geeky things look ultimately cool, the newer generation of script kiddies are now the bullies and not the bullied.
A simple metaphor looks at it as a power game between the Queen and the King where Queen demands the diamond and the throne in the name of female peasantry, then demonizes slutty behavior to keep those rights with only the “worthy women” such as herself. King on the other hand, as someone who controls the wealth, is under no moral obligation to pretend that he is worried about the male peasantry. In the end, it is the male peasantry that pays the price for this whole show, literally by paying more tax and then removing themselves from the gene pool (army/suicide).